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12 zero-waste workshops in Brussels

Are you looking for a zero-waste workshop, inspiration session or information session for your team or organisation in Brussels? Then this is the place to be. We have listed 12 different ones that will definitely inspire you and make you want to get started. We also made a list of zero-waste workshops in Antwerp and Ghent.

1) How to start with zero-waste at home or in the office? by Mixua

How do you make more sustainable choices in your daily life or at work? Would you like to reduce your ecological footprint, but don't know how to start or you need fresh inspiration? During this interactive inspiration session, a workshop host from Mixua will give you all kinds of practical and fun tips & tricks that will make you want to get started or take further steps.

Menu of topics you can choose from: Getting started with zero-waste at home and/or the workplace. How to sort correctly? How to make your kitchen more zero-waste? How to make your wardrobe more zero-waste? How to make your bathroom more zero-waste? Best cases of sustainable and circular business models?

Only available for companies or organizations as a teambuilding, training or education session. Ideal for motivating and engaging the team around sustainability.

sustainable teambuilding DIY workshop natural care or cleaning products

2) Make your own natural care and/or cleaning products with Mixua

In the DIY personal care products workshop you learn to take care of your skin and body in a responsible, sustainable way, without spending a fortune. There is a choice between making your own toothpaste or making your own deodorant. For beginners.

In the DIY cleaning products workshop you learn to prepare your own natural all-purpose cleaner with a simple recipe that you can easily apply yourself at home. For beginners.

100% natural raw materials are used. Respect for our skin, our home and the environment guaranteed. You go home with the product(s) you made, in reusable packaging, and explanations on why DIY is interesting and it's benefits.

Only available for companies or organizations as teambuilding or for events.

sustainable inspiration session, teambuilding Brussels Mixua

3) Discover the latest ‘easy swaps’ or ecological alternatives by Mixua

In recent years, many sustainable products have become more accessible, helping us to live in a more ecological way. Think about the bokashi, shampoo bars, loofahs or cleaning products in pods. We are happy to explain everything about this during this interactive workshop and game "Find the match!". Be surprised and seduced!

Only available for companies or organizations as teambuilding or for events.

4) What is Bokashi and how do you use it? by Mixua

30% of our residual waste is organic waste that can be composted, but this is often not easy if you don’t have a garden. Fortunately, Bokashi offers a solution. With this method, you can give your residual waste a second life without unpleasant odours or trouble from flies, in a small space.

Moreover, you can compost many more types of food than is possible with a worm bin or garden compost. Mixua will gladly explain what it is and how it exactly works. Afterwards, you can get to work right away. Only available for companies or organizations as teambuilding or for events.

home organising zero-waste teambuilding brussel ecozy

5) Workshop 'Home organising' by Ecozy

Nowadays, we often lack the time for what is really essential. Thanks to this home organizing method, you will clear away the clutter, chase away the superfluous and reorganize better. The result: a home where you can really recharge your batteries or an office where you can concentrate.

Discover what new habits you can adopt that will enable you to save time and consume less, but better. Discover the causes of clutter in a home, your areas of improvement, where to start, storage advice, etc.

DIY zero-waste workshops teambuildings brussel Orybany

Orybany offers a variety of creative, DIY workshops. Whatever your level, these workshops are open to everyone, teenagers and adults alike (no requirement). You can choose between the following workshops: creative sewing, knitting, embroidery, drawing, jewellery, candles, terrariums, natural cosmetics (beauty products), natural cleaning products, origami, flower art, painting and zero-waste lunch.

Demonstration of the recovery of clothes using a zero-waste approach. Introduction to the repair, individualisation and reworking of clothes. A fun and environmentally friendly way to learn about sewing and ‘slow fashion’.

Les Valeurs de Sophie DIY zero-waste workshop teambuilding

Become an expert in making and using a bee's wrap! During this workshop you will make your own bee's wrap and discover the different manufacturing methods, but also the maintenance and the use of this particular zero-waste product. Each participant leaves with his or her own bee's wrap.

Simple recipes without waste, good for your health and for the planet. Take the opportunity to roll up your sleeves and discover all kinds of vegetable recipes: homemade lemonade, energy balls, anti-spill pancakes... Ready to be surprised?

food zero-waste workshop teambuilding brussel molleke

10) Storage methods without refrigerator by Molleke

Since prehistoric times, man has found all kinds of tricks to preserve food for longer, to eat even in winter. Now that almost all foods are available all year round, Molleke suggests talking about food preservation without a fridge or freezer. These methods are sometimes forgotten, even though they represent delicious food and can be easily applied at home.

atelier groot eiland food workshops brussel teambuilding

Fancy a healthy and culinary zero waste workshop? Carrot cake, pesto, lemon cake or lemonade: these are just some of the possibilities. Come and add to your recipe book without the least bit of waste. Ingredients and materials available on the site.

zero-waste baby workshop teambuilding brussel Ecozy

A baby turns your heart and life upside down, just like your dustbin. During this workshop you will discover how to avoid waste and harmful products for your little one. Zero waste is a way of life where you go back to basics, accessible for everyone. Discover what you really need for your baby, avoid the unnecessary, keep the essential, washable nappies (models, brands, materials, costs, maintenance), natural baby hygiene, a birth list in zero waste mode, etc.

More ecological inspiration and tips & tricks:



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